Preliminary Events in Prophecy
The rapture of the saints, the revival of Rome, and the regathering of Israel.
The rapture of the saints, the revival of Rome, and the regathering of Israel.
How can I get deliverance from the power of indwelling sin?
The seventieth week of Daniel unfolded; also known as “the tribulation”.
The technical details of the successive dispensations which God has unfolded on the earth. Part 2 of a three-part series on Dispensational Truth.
The seventy-five day period in which God will pour out His indignation.
What is the scriptural basis for Christians to meet together?
The thousand-year kingdom of Christ, and the new heavens and earth.
Refuting the idea of a universal recovery of the Church in the last day.
A dangerous and unscriptural teaching that affects many aspects of Christian life.
A second lecture in a seven part series on the Godhead.
An outline of God’s ways with Christians and with the Nation of Israel.
Typical teaching from Israel’s journey from Egypt to Canaan.
The Passover speaks of the way a believer takes refuge in the work of Christ, to be shielded from God’s judgment against sin.
Sevel lectures on the Godhead.
The backbone of prophecy.
The Eternal Sonship is a Biblical teaching that declares the identity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God to be an eternal identity.
The Divine, eternal Person who is “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”.
A first lecture in a seven part series on the Godhead.