The Red Sea
The Red Sea pictures Christ’s death and resurrection for us.
The Red Sea pictures Christ’s death and resurrection for us.
The wilderness experience is that aspect of our Christian life in which we learn to depend fully on God.
Prophecy discloses the steps by which God is going to glorify His Son in this earth!
The Jordan speaks of our death and resurrection with Christ.
What are Divine life, eternal life, and resurrection life? How do we get them?
Canaan speaks of the Christian’s position in the heavenly places, and the warfare that is connected with it.
An introduction to “the sufferings of Christ”, looking at the moral, sympathetic, official, interpersonal, martyrdom, anticipative, and atoning aspects of His sufferings, and noting the differences between sufferings at the hands of men and of God.
The epistles correlated with various stages of Israel’s journey.
Why study prophetic events?
The subject of Baptism is important for all Christians to understand. Sadly, many Christians don’t have an understanding of baptism and what it represents. Much of the confusion is due to man’s ideas being brought into the Church and into Christian teaching.
Important geographical terms, political terms, chronological terms, and coming world leaders.
What is the Christian’s food?
Forgiveness: the foundation of our relationship with God and fellow-believers.
The rapture of the saints, the revival of Rome, and the regathering of Israel.
The backbone of prophecy.
The Eternal Sonship is a Biblical teaching that declares the identity of Jesus Christ as the Son of God to be an eternal identity.
The Divine, eternal Person who is “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”.
A first lecture in a seven part series on the Godhead.