Category Archives: Commentary

2 Kings 11

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Jehoiada: Judgment On Athaliah’s Dynasty 2 Kings 11     Ch.11 As there has been a Revival in the northern kingdom in ch. 9-10 the Lord begins a work in Judah triggered by the shock waves of jehu. Contrast the two revivals: one of a single man doing ostentatious Deeds of violence and […]

Colossians 2:20 – 3:17

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Death and Resurrection with Christ Colossians 2:20 – 3:17   Our death and resurrection with Christ. Paul had already introduced the truth of our death and resurrection with Christ earlier in vv.11-12. Now he expands on that truth to show its practical implications in delivering us from the elements of the world; from […]

Luke 6:12-49

Setting of the Sermon (6:17-19)

Matt. 5 is covered in vv.20-36, and Matt. 7 is covered in v.38-end. The contents of Matt. 6 are not covered here because it is specifically the purview of Matthew to bring out the relation of the Messiah to the law.

vv.17-19 Before the sermon, the Lord heals all who came. There was to be no distraction during His sermon. Similar to how the Lord made the disciples comfortable in Jn. 13 before teaching them.

vv.20-23 Some of the blesseds that touch on earthly blessing are left out in Luke, as it is more moral, whereas Matthew focuses more on the kingdom of heaven. He tells them at the get go how the path will be. The advice for blessedness here is opposite to the world’s advice. The blessed path is one of suffering, weeping, hunger, and reproach. What!?!? But there is a blessedness to walking in fellowship with the rejected Son of man, and there is a reward awaiting us, not on earth, but “in heaven”! 

Each of the four blesseds are “Blessed are ye”… the disciples. The poverty, etc. were all because of their choice to associate with the Messiah who was rejected. 

The rewards are a paradox… very counter intuitive (2 Cor. 6:1-10). Son of man is His title in rejection. He is preparing them for what is ahead.

The blesseds are connected with a loss from following the Son of man. The Woes are connected with a present advantage due to not following the Son of man. Something chosen instead of or at the expense of Him.

For those who choose to follow the Lord, the best is yet to come. For those who reject Him the best is now.

Taking the mote of our brothers eye might seem like an altruistic thing to do, but if you have a beam in your eye is does more harm than good. Same with leading a blind person… not helpful if you are blind!

2 Kings 2

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Transition from Elijah to Elisha 2 Kings 2     ContentsThe Ascension of Elijah (2:1-11)Elisha: Christ in the Power of the Spirit (2:12-25) The Ascension of Elijah (2:1-11) CHAPTER 2 1 And it came to pass when Jehovah would take up Elijah into the heavens by a whirlwind, that Elijah went with Elisha […]

Luke 2

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Birth and Childhood of Jesus Luke 2     ContentsThe Birth of Jesus (2:1-7)The Angelic Appearance to Shepherds, Their Praise (2:8-20)His Circumcision and Naming (2:21)His Presentation to the Lord in Jerusalem (2:22-40)His Parents’ Offering (vv.22-24)Simeon’s Blessing (vv.25-35)Anna’s Praise (vv.36-38)Return to Galilee and the Growth of the Child (vv.39-40)Trip to Jerusalem at Twelve […]

Mark 11:27 – 12:44

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   3rd Entry into Jerusalem: Three Attempts from the Opposition Mark 11:27 – 12:44     Contents1st Attempt: The Religious Leaders Concerning the Source of His Authority (11:27-33)The Parable of the Wicked Husbandmen (12:1-12)2nd Attempt: The Pharisees and Herodians Concerning Tribute to Caesar (12:13-17)3rd Attempt: The Sadducees Concerning the Resurrection (12:18-27)A Scribe Questions Him […]

2 Kings 12

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Joash: King of Judah (Good – 40 Years) 2 Kings 12     Ch. 12 you can divide joash’s reign into two parts: before and after jehoiada’s death. 836 B.C. CHAPTER 12 1 In the seventh year of Jehu, Jehoash began to reign; and he reigned forty years in Jerusalem; and his mother’s […]

Luke 23:26-56

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Death of Jesus Luke 23:26-56     ContentsThe Road to the Cross (23:26-31)The Crucifixion of Jesus (23:32-38)The Two Malefactors (23:39-43)The Three-Hour Darkness and Death of Jesus (23:44-49)The Burial of Jesus (23:50-56) The Road to the Cross (23:26-31) 26 And as they led him away, they laid hold on a certain Simon, a […]

Luke 3:1-22

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Ministry of John the Baptist Luke 3:1-22   John’s Baptism and the Baptism of Jesus on earth can be viewed as “Kingdom baptism” in contrast with “Christian Baptism”. Kingdom baptism is what disconnected the faithful Jews from the guilt of apostate Israel, while Christian baptism bring us into the Christian testimony. Kingdom baptism […]

Ephesians 4:1-16

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   1st Sphere: Walking Worthy in the Assembly: Unity and Ministry Ephesians 4:1-16   Walking Worthy. In v.1 Paul exhorts the Ephesians to walk worthy of the position, the hopes, and the relationships into which we have been called. There are three spheres that we need to “walk worthy” in, […]

Romans 5:1-11

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Great Results of Justification Romans 5:1-11   Typical teaching in Israel’s Journey from Egypt to Canaan as found in Romans. In the journey of the children of Israel from Egypt to Canaan we have illustrated the experience of an individual believer in all that God has done for our salvation (in the broadest sense of the […]

Genesis 3

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Adam & Eve: The Fall of Man Genesis 3   The Fall. How long did Adam and Eve continue in the garden before the fall? We are not told. The important point is that the very first historical act recorded of man is his fall. This has immense moral significance. Everything committed to […]

Genesis 25:1-10

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Abraham’s Legacy & Death Genesis 25:1-10     ContentsAbraham’s Marriage to Keturah and Her Sons (25:1-4)Abraham Bequeaths All to Isaac (25:5-6)Death and Burial of Abraham (25:7-10) Abraham’s Marriage to Keturah and Her Sons (25:1-4) CHAPTER 25 1 And Abraham took another wife named Keturah [‘perfume’]. v.1 Keturah. We are not told at what […]


Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   THE BOOK OF JOSHUA   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24   O U T L I N E – Coming Into the Land: A Believer Seated in the Heavenlies Joshua 1 – 4 – […]

Matthew 7:1-6

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Having a Right Focus in Connection with Social Things Matthew 7:1-6     ContentsAbuse of Judgment in Connection with Fellow Believers (7:1-5)Abuse of Grace in Connection with Unbelievers (7:6)  Abuse of Judgment in Connection with Fellow Believers (7:1-5) Offenses and perceived sin in our brethren (vv.1-5). Previously, the Lord had addressed persecution and offenses from the world, and with our enemies. […]

Matthew 27:27-66

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Crucifixion and Death of Christ Matthew 27:27-66      ContentsThe Mocking of the Soldiers (vv.27-31)The Actual Crucifixion of Jesus (vv.32-37)The Mocking of the Jews (vv.38-44)The Three Hours of Darkness (vv.45-49)The Death of Jesus and the Signs the Followed (vv.50-54)The Women Who Followed (vv.55-56)The Burial of Jesus (vv.57-66) The Mocking of the Soldiers (vv.27-31) ¶ 27 Then […]

1 Corinthians 12

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Nature and Use of Gifts in the Assembly 1 Corinthians 12 – 14   1 Corinthians 12 – 14. In these three chapters of the epistle, Paul takes up the exercise of gift in the assembly, and the principles that ought to regulate it. It is a continuation, in a sense, of ch.11 where […]

1 Kings 6

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Temple 1 Kings 6       CHAPTER 6 1 And it came to pass in the four hundred and eightieth year after the children of Israel were come out of the land of Egypt, in the fourth year of Solomon’s reign over Israel, in the month Zif, which is the second month, […]

1 Kings 21

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Ahab and Naboth: the King’s Treachery, and Judgment Promised 1 Kings 21       CHAPTER 21 1 And it came to pass after these things, that Naboth the Jizreelite had a vineyard, which was in Jizreel, by the side of the palace of Ahab king of Samaria. 2 And Ahab spoke to Naboth saying, Give me thy vineyard, […]