Category Archives: Commentary

Psalm 113

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Psalm 113 Restored Israel Celebrating Jehovah Who is Universally Praised   Psalm 113. This is the third Psalm in the three-Psalm series that all begin with “Hallelujah”, although Psalm 113 ends with “Hallelujah”, making it a double-Hallelujah Psalm. This Psalm, an orphan Psalm but likely written by David, describes the praise of Israel in the Millennium. […]

Psalm 129

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Psalm 129 Reflection on Past Sorrows and Deliverance   Psalm 129. This is a Psalm of reflection. Psalm 129 gives us restored Israel reflecting on their past sorrows and deliverances, as well as that which they felt from their enemies, and their exercises of soul.   PSALM 129 A Song of degrees. 1 […]

Psalm 145

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Psalm 145 The Praises of Restored Israel in the Millennium   Psalm 145. This Psalm gives is the praises of Israel in the Millennium. They praise Jehovah for His mighty works, for His enduring mercy, for His glorious kingdom, and for His righteousness. It would appear to be Christ Himself who leads these […]

1 Samuel 15

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Saul’s 3rd Step: Open Disobedience – Agag and the Amalekites 1 Samuel 15     CHAPTER 15 1 And Samuel said to Saul, Jehovah sent “me” to anoint thee king over his people, over Israel: now therefore hearken to the voice of the words of Jehovah. 2 Thus saith Jehovah of hosts: I […]

1 Samuel 31

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Saul’s 10th Step: Ultimate Defeat and Death by Suicide 1 Samuel 31     CHAPTER 31 1 And the Philistines fought against Israel; and the men of Israel fled from before the Philistines, and fell down slain on mount Gilboa. 2 And the Philistines followed hard upon Saul and upon his sons; and […]

Ephesians 3

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Parenthesis: The Mystery – Jew and Gentile in One Body Ephesians 3   The Ephesians 3 parenthesis. We can see that Eph. 3:1 and Eph. 4:1 start out very similarly. This strengthens the fact that Eph. 3:2-21 is a parenthesis! The purpose of ch.3 is to explain the apparent contradiction between the Old Testament promises and […]

Romans 4

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Justification is through Faith Alone Romans 4   Romans 4. Paul presents Old Testament examples which bolster the truth of the previous chapter, namely that we are justified through faith. In ch.3 we see the blood of Christ (Rom. 3:25) to satisfy God as to the question of our sins. In ch.4 we see the resurrection of […]

Romans 15:14-33

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Conclusion: Summary of Paul’s Ministry and Travel Plans Romans 15:14-33     ContentsWhy Paul had Written: His Ministry to the Gentiles (15:14-21)Why Paul had not yet Visited Rome & His Future Plans (15:22-29)His Work in the East Finished, His Plans to Go West (vv.22-24)The Collection for Jerusalem (vv.25-27)His Planed Journey to Rome and […]

Genesis 23

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Death of Sarah: God’s Ways with Israel Suspended Genesis 23   Genesis 23. If ch.22 gives us the obedience of faith, then ch.23 gives us the dignity of faith. In this chapter we have the death of Sarah, which typically represents the suspension of God’s working in grace with the nation of Israel. […]

Genesis 41

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Pharaoh’s Dreams: Joseph’s Move from Prison to Palace Genesis 41   Genesis 41. In this chapter we have the third pair of dreams in the life of Joseph; first the pair given to him when he was at home with his brothers, then the dreams of the butler and baker, and now a pair […]


Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   THE THIRD BOOK OF MOSES CALLED LEVITICUS   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27   O U T L I N E – The Offerings Leviticus 1 – 6:7 – The Burnt […]

Deuteronomy 5

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Ten Commandments, and their Ratification Deuteronomy 5       CHAPTER 5 1 And Moses called to all Israel, and said to them, Hear, Israel, the statutes and the ordinances that I speak in your ears this day, and learn them, and keep them to do them. 2 Jehovah our God made a covenant with […]

Matthew 6:19-34

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Having a Right Focus in Connection with Material Things Matthew 6:19-34   Having a Right Focus in Connection with Material Things. One of the most important things for a disciples to have is a correct view of material things. If we become overly occupied with material things, it can distract us from service, and change our whole […]

1 Corinthians 11:17-34

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Responsibility of Taking the Lord’s Supper 1 Corinthians 11:17-34     Assembly Meetings. The book of First Corinthians takes up the order of the local assembly, and from ch.11, v.17 to the end of ch.14, behavior in “assembly meetings” is discussed. Reference 1 Cor. 11:17, 18, 20, 33, 34; 14:23, 26, 28, 34, 35. […]

Isaiah 5

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Song of the Beloved and His Vineyard Isaiah 5       CHAPTER 5 1 I will sing to my well-beloved a song of my beloved touching his vineyard: My well-beloved had a vineyard upon a fruitful hill. 2 And he dug it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and planted it with the choicest […]

Isaiah 40:1-11

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Introduction Isaiah 40:1-11       CHAPTER 40 1 Comfort ye, comfort ye my people, saith your God. 2 Speak to the heart of Jerusalem, and cry unto her, that her time of suffering is accomplished, that her iniquity is pardoned; for she hath received of Jehovah’s hand double for all her sins. 3 The voice of one […]

1 Kings 5

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Preparations for the Temple 1 Kings 5       CHAPTER 5 1 And Hiram king of Tyre sent his servants to Solomon; for he had heard that they had anointed him king in the place of his father; for Hiram always loved David. 2 And Solomon sent to Hiram, saying, 3 Thou knowest that David my father […]

1 Kings 20

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Ahab and Ben-Hadad: the King’s Foolishness, and Judgment Promised 1 Kings 20       CHAPTER 20 1 And Ben-Hadad king of Syria assembled all his host; and there were thirty-two kings with him, and horses and chariots; and he went up and besieged Samaria, and fought against it. 2 And he sent messengers to Ahab king […]

Daniel 10

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Details from the Persian Era to the Reign of Christ Daniel 10 – 12   O U T L I N E – Details from the Persian Era to the Reign of Christ Daniel 10 – 12 – Preparation for Divine Communications Daniel 10 – The King of the North, the King of […]