Category Archives: Commentary

Genesis 34

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Jacob’s Troubled Stay in Shechem Genesis 34   Genesis 34. This is one of the darkest chapters, not only in Genesis, but in Jacob’s life. He was now living in the land of promise, but he had neither dealt with the idols in his house, nor gone up to Bethel. It is as […]

Revelation 2 – 3

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Things Which Are: Church History Revelation 2 – 3   The Seven Churches of Asia. There are a number of ways these seven letters can be applied: Historically: as seven literal churches in Asia Minor with their respective vices and virtues. Allegorically: as moral principles from each letter that can be applied to […]

Genesis 29 – 30

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Marriages, Family Trouble, and Commercial Success Genesis 29 – 30   Genesis 29 – 30. In these chapters, Jacob begins to reap what he has sown. As he deceived his father and brother, now he is deceived by his uncle Laban. Nevertheless, God remains with Jacob, caring for him providentially, as that ladder from […]

Matthew 26:57 – 27:26

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Trials of Christ Matthew 26:57 – 27:26    The Trials of Jesus before Men. Historically, there were a number of trials or “hearings” of our Lord before various councils and governors. There were actually six different hearings, three before the Jews, and three before the Gentiles. One remarkable feature of the trials of […]

Matthew 21:23 – 22:46

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Parables & Questions: The Hardness of the Jewish Leaders Exposed  Matthew 21:23 – 22:46     ContentsChrist’s Authority Questioned by the Jewish Leaders (21:23-27)Three Parables that Expose the Hardness of the Jewish Leaders (21:28 – 22:14)Three Attempts to Ensnare the Lord in His Words (22:15-46) Christ’s Authority Questioned by the Jewish Leaders (21:23-27) […]

Genesis 19

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Lot Visited and the Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah Genesis 19   Genesis 19. This chapter is a complete contrast to the previous chapter. In chapter 18, three men visit Abraham and have fellowship with him, one of them being identified as Jehovah Himself. In chapter 19, two men visit Lot, and both […]

Genesis 18

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Abraham Visited in the Plains of Mamre Genesis 18   Genesis 18. The Lord having entered into a covenant relationship with Abraham (ch.17), He now comes to Abraham’s dwelling to commune with him. Ch.18 is a direct contrast with ch.19. In chapter 18, three men visit Abraham and spend time with him, and […]

Matthew 20:29 – 21:22

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Presentation of the King: The Son of David and Son of Man Matthew 20:29 – 25:46   This section records the final presentation of Christ as Son of David and true King of Israel. We might wonder, why is a final presentation needed? Hadn’t the Lord already been rejected in ch.11-12, and hadn’t […]

1 Corinthians 3:18 – 4:21

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Cure for Division: Get God’s Perspective on Things 1 Corinthians 3:18 – 4:21     ContentsListen to what the Scriptures say about Worldly Wisdom (3:18-23)Have God’s View of His Servants, not Man’s View (4:1-5)Learn from the Apostles’ Humility: a Contrast to Corinthian Pride (4:6-16)Be willing to Take Correction: Timothy Sent, Paul to Follow (4:17-21) Listen to […]

Genesis 12

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The History of Faith: Calling and Promise Genesis 12 – 50   This section, from chapter 12 to 50, takes up the dispensational principles of Calling and Promise. This is done by way of four men: Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, as follows:   O U T L I N E – Calling […]

Genesis 13

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Separation of Abram & Lot Genesis 13   What Lot Represents. Lot is a picture of a believer who, walked from the very beginning in another’s faith, and not his own. For a time he maintained an outward path of separation, but did not have the personal conviction to continue in it. […]

1 Corinthians 1:17 – 3:17

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Cause of Division: the Intrusion of Man’s Wisdom 1 Corinthians 1:17 – 3:17   The Cause of Division. The strife and division in Corinth had a root. Paul gets down to what that is in ch.3. The Corinthians were carnal (or, fleshly), and as a result of their carnality, they had modeled their Christianity after the […]

Matthew 16 – 17

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Coming Changes: the Assembly and the Millennium Matthew 16 – 17   Another Dispensational Outline. In ch.16-17 we have another dispensational outline. Ch.16, vv.1-12 Israel’s Rejection of the Messiah, the Sign of the Prophet Jonas Ch.16, vv.13-28 The Church to be built, the necessity of the death and resurrection of Christ Ch.17, vv.1-27 A […]

John 1 – 2

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Introduction to the Person of the Son John 1 – 2   John 1 – 2. These two chapters form the introduction to the Gospel of John. They introduce us to the glorious Person of Christ. Suitably, John’s Gospel begins with the infinitude of Christ’s Person and ends with […]

Matthew 11 – 12

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Prevention of the Kingdom: Christ Rejected by Israel Matthew 11 – 12   Christ’s rejection by Israel. In Isa. 49:3-13 we find that all of the Lord’s efforts in sending out the messengers of the Kingdom was unsuccessful in turning Israel to the Lord; “I have laboured in vain, I have spent […]

Romans 2:17 – 3:8

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Class #3: The Privileged Jew Romans 2:17 – 3:8   The Privileged Jew. Now Paul turns to the Jew who has been listening to the condemnation of the Gentile and proceeds to show him that he is even more responsible because he has more light than the Gentile. The Jews were the caretakers of the […]

Deuteronomy 4

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Warnings Concerning Obedience Deuteronomy 4     ContentsThe Importance of Obedience to Commandments (4:1-24)Idolatry Would Result in Expulsion from the Land (4:25-40)Cities of Refuge (4:41-49) The Importance of Obedience to Commandments (4:1-24) CHAPTER 4 1 And now, Israel, hearken to the statutes and to the ordinances which I teach you, to do them, that ye […]

Leviticus 24 – 27

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Claims of God in Government Leviticus 24 – 27     ContentsThe Golden Candlesticks to Burn Continually (24:1-4)The Twelve Loaves of Shewbread Every Sabbath (24:5-9)The Seriousness of Blasphemy (24:10-23)The Sabbatical Year and Year of Jubilee (Leviticus 25)Temporal Blessing Contingent on Obedience (Leviticus 26)Concerning Vows, Tithes, and Redemption Money (Leviticus 27) The Golden Candlesticks to […]