Category Archives: Encyclopedia

Eternal Life

Main article: Divine Life and Eternal Life Related: New Birth; Divine Life   Eternal life. The term “eternal life” is commonly translated “everlasting life” or “life eternal”. The term is used in two different ways in scripture. In the Old Testament (e.g. Psa. 133:3; Dan. 12:2) and the synoptic gospels (e.g. Mark 10:30) eternal life […]

The Personal Beast

Main article: Key Players and Terms in Prophecy Related: Antichrist; Revived Roman Empire   The Personal Beast is a reference to the future leader of the Revived Roman Empire. He will come to power in the middle of Daniel’s 70th week, and he will reign for the last 3 1/2 years. We refer to this […]


Incarnation. The incarnation is one of the greatest events in time. The Son of God took manhood into His Person, forming a permanent union between His divine nature and His human nature. He became a man, spirit-soul-body, but did not give up anything He had as God. “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among […]

Old Man and New Man

Characteristic terms. The old man and the new man are two orders of manhood. The characteristics of the old man are seen looking at the whole race of Adam; morally depraved. The characteristics of the new man are seen in the life of Jesus. Note: we don’t see all the features of the old man in Adam personally, or any […]


Christ. The name “Christ” is the Greek form of “Messiah” (John 1:41). The word itself means “anointed one”. Christ is a title of the Person of the Son in human flesh as the fulfillment of Old Testament scripture. There were three offices in the Old Testament that required anointing: the office of the priest (Ex. 30:30), […]

The Prophetic Land

Main article: Key Players and Terms in Prophecy Related: The Prophetic Earth; The Prophetic World; The Third Part; The Fourth Part   The Land. “The land” in prophecy refers to a more restricted area than the world, or even the earth; it refers specifically to the land of Israel. Often it goes beyond the borders of the land in […]

The Intermediate State

Main article: Millennium and Eternal State Related: The Abyss; The Father’s House   The Intermediate State (Luke 16:19-31; Luke 23:40-43; 2 Cor. 5:1-8; Phil. 1:21-23). When a person on earth dies, they enter a spiritual state, known in scripture as Hades, sometimes translated “hell”. Hades is not exactly a place, but rather a state. Death […]

Divine Life

Main article: Divine Life and Eternal Life Related: New Birth; Eternal Life   Divine life is a term Bible students use to refer to spiritual life from God. In our fallen condition, we do not have any capacity to perceive, understand, or respond to the claims of God. We are in a condition of spiritual […]

The Father’s House

Main article: Millennium and Eternal State Related: The Intermediate State; Heaven   The Father’s House is the eternal dwelling place of the redeemed (John 14:2). Is it where the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit will be for all eternity, in the circle of divine light and love. When Jesus went back to heaven, He prepared […]


Related: Cleansing   Footwashing. The very first subject brought out in the upper room ministry (John 13 – 17) is footwashing, which represents the work of refreshment and removing daily defilement for the maintenance of communion. It comes first before the rest of the upper room ministry, because we cannot enjoy Christ with defiled feet, […]

Rome’s Covenant with Israel

Main article: Preliminary Events in Prophecy Related: The Great Tribulation   The covenant. The leader of the revived Roman Empire, called “the prince that shall come”, will be instrumental getting a treaty or “covenant” online between his people (Rome) and “the many”, which refers to the Jews. “And he shall confirm a covenant with the many for one week;” Daniel […]

Paul’s Prayers

Related: Prayer   Paul’s prayers. Not including benedictory prayers at the ends of his epistles, Paul records twenty-eight of his prayers! It is nice to trace these prayers through his writings. We are very thankful for them because they give us: (1) an insight into the heart of the apostle, and (2) a pattern for the way we should pray. […]