Category Archives: Encyclopedia

Propitiation and Substitution

Atonement’s Two Aspects. The atoning work of Christ on the cross is one work, but it has two aspects. The word ‘atonement’ does not occur in the New Testament, but its two aspects – propitiation and substitution – occur many times. The word “atonement” simply means “covered up”, and doesn’t give the thought of a full and final […]

The Grave of Christ

Related: Sign of the Prophet Jonah   Controversy over the three days and three nights in the “Sign of Jonas”. In recent years, there has been an increase in confusion about our Lord’s resurrection following the three days and three nights buried in the earth. For almost two-thousand years the greatest chronologists of the bible […]

New Birth

Related: Divine Life; Eternal Life   New Birth. New birth or quickening refers to the sovereign action of God to impart spiritual life to a person where there was none before. The expression “born anew” does not merely mean “a fresh start”. Nicodemus contemplated entering into his mother’s womb to be born a second time […]

Ten Similitudes of the Kingdom of Heaven

The Ten Similitudes of the Kingdom of Heaven. There are ten parables given in Matthew’s gospel where it is stated; “the Kingdom of Heaven is like unto” or some equivalent expression. These similes, or “similitudes” as they are often called, give us a comprehensive understanding of the “mystery” phase of the Kingdom of Heaven, through which we […]

The Prophetic World

Main article: Key Players and Terms in Prophecy Related: The Prophetic Earth; The Land; The Third Part; The Fourth Part   The World. In prophecy, “the world” refers to the entire planet earth. This is no surprise, but it is important to distinguish it from “the earth” which in prophecy refers to a restricted area. “Day unto day uttereth […]

Sessional Judgment

Main article: Millennium and Eternal State Related: Harvest Judgment; Judgment of the Quick and the Dead   Sessional Judgment for the Gentiles. During the 7-year tribulation, the gospel of the Kingdom will be carried to “all the nations” (Matt. 24:14; Isa. 66:19). Some will accept this gospel, others will reject it. Those who reject it will […]

Feast of the Dedication

The Feast of the Dedication. The “Feast of the Dedication” also called the “Feast of Lights” occurred in the winter (John 10:22). It was not one of the feasts of Jehovah, but it began in the times of the Maccabees. After Antiochus Epiphanies desecrated the temple, it remained in a defiled condition for 2300 days […]


Related: The Millennium   Melchisedec. It is amazing that with only a brief historical reference to Melchisedec in Genesis 14 and a brief prophetic reference in Psalm 110, there could be such a rich unfolding of doctrine concerning Melchisedec in Hebrews 5 – 7. In Genesis 14 we find that Melchisedec was the king of […]


Main article: The Ordinance of Baptism Related: John’s Baptism   Baptism (baptisma) simply means “to dip, or submerge.” The word is used many times in scripture, in several different contexts. The Baptism of the Spirit is a reference to the formation of the Church on the Day of Pentecost (1 Cor. 12:13). Water baptism is a […]

Harvest Judgment

Main article: Battles of the Indignation Related: Vintage Judgment; Judgment of the Quick and the Dead   The Harvest Judgment (Rev. 14:14-16; Isaiah 21 – 24). At the time of the appearing, the angels will go forth over the Beast’s empire and “reap” those who have refused the gospel of the kingdom. This is called the […]

New Creation

Related: The Sabbath; Old Man and New Man; The Jordan   The Old Creation. Before we talk about New Creation, we need to be reminded of the Old Creation. The Old Creation is described in Genesis 1; God formed the world as we know it in six days including Adam and Eve. God rested on the […]

Three Worlds

Three Worlds. Peter speaks about three “worlds” in ch.3 of his second epistle. It is important to understand that each of these worlds is vastly different from the others. Dispensations have to do only with “the heavens and earth that are now”. There were no dispensations before the flood, and there will be none in […]

The Prophetic Earth

Main article: Key Players and Terms in Prophecy Related: The Prophetic World; The Land; The Third Part; The Fourth Part   The Earth. “The earth” refers to the region of the planet that falls within the scope of Old Testament prophecy; Europe, the Middle East, and Israel. We call this the “prophetic earth” to keep the terms clear in […]

The Lake of Fire

Main article: Millennium and Eternal State Related: The Abyss; The Intermediate State   The lake of fire is the eternal prison of the damned. When Satan fell, the lake of fire was “prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matt. 25:41). It was never intended for men, although sadly, the very first occupants will be men. […]

Eternal Life

Main article: Divine Life and Eternal Life Related: New Birth; Divine Life   Eternal life. The term “eternal life” is commonly translated “everlasting life” or “life eternal”. The term is used in two different ways in scripture. In the Old Testament (e.g. Psa. 133:3; Dan. 12:2) and the synoptic gospels (e.g. Mark 10:30) eternal life […]

The Personal Beast

Main article: Key Players and Terms in Prophecy Related: Antichrist; Revived Roman Empire   The Personal Beast is a reference to the future leader of the Revived Roman Empire. He will come to power in the middle of Daniel’s 70th week, and he will reign for the last 3 1/2 years. We refer to this […]


Incarnation. The incarnation is one of the greatest events in time. The Son of God took manhood into His Person, forming a permanent union between His divine nature and His human nature. He became a man, spirit-soul-body, but did not give up anything He had as God. “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among […]

Old Man and New Man

Characteristic terms. The old man and the new man are two orders of manhood. The characteristics of the old man are seen looking at the whole race of Adam; morally depraved. The characteristics of the new man are seen in the life of Jesus. Note: we don’t see all the features of the old man in Adam personally, or any […]


Christ. The name “Christ” is the Greek form of “Messiah” (John 1:41). The word itself means “anointed one”. Christ is a title of the Person of the Son in human flesh as the fulfillment of Old Testament scripture. There were three offices in the Old Testament that required anointing: the office of the priest (Ex. 30:30), […]

The Prophetic Land

Main article: Key Players and Terms in Prophecy Related: The Prophetic Earth; The Prophetic World; The Third Part; The Fourth Part   The Land. “The land” in prophecy refers to a more restricted area than the world, or even the earth; it refers specifically to the land of Israel. Often it goes beyond the borders of the land in […]