Tag Archives: John’s Baptism

John’s Baptism

Main article: The Ordinance of Baptism   John’s Baptism and the Baptism of Jesus on earth can be viewed as “Kingdom baptism” in contrast with “Christian Baptism”. Kingdom baptism is what disconnected the faithful Jews from the guilt of apostate Israel, while Christian baptism bring us into the Christian testimony. Kingdom baptism is connected with […]
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Matthew 3

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Ministry of John the Baptist & the Baptism of Christ Matthew 3   The Kingdom of Heaven is a dispensational term only found in Matthew’s gospel. It is a very important subject to grasp in order to understand Matthew, and the whole scope of God’s counsels. I recommend getting a solid grasp of this subject (see […]

John’s Baptism

Main article: The Ordinance of Baptism   John’s Baptism and the Baptism of Jesus on earth can be viewed as “Kingdom baptism” in contrast with “Christian Baptism”. Kingdom baptism is what disconnected the faithful Jews from the guilt of apostate Israel, while Christian baptism bring us into the Christian testimony. Kingdom baptism is connected with […]