Tag Archives: Persecution

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2 Thessalonians 1

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Perseverance through Persecution 2 Thessalonians 1   2 Thessalonians 1. Before Paul gets into the doctrinal issue of the epistle, he seeks to strengthen the hearts of the saints. Although the technical problem was false eschatological teaching, there was a deeper result of this false teaching the needed to be addressed first. The […]

Hebrews 10:19-39

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Practical: The Results of Christ’s Superiority in the Believer’s Life Hebrews 10:19 – 13:17   Practical Section: “Let Us”. Now we come to the practical portion of the Epistle to the Hebrews. As with most epistles, the practical exhortations follow the doctrine, because right practice flows from right doctrine. Having considered the glories […]

John 16

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Divine Provisions for the Time of Jesus’ Absence John 16   John 16. Having just spoken of the characteristics of the world, and the believer’s portion in it (John 15:18-27), the Lord gives the disciples five things that would help them, and encourage their hearts during His absence. First, we have knowledge of […]

Acts 4 – 6

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Trials and Triumphs of the Early Church Acts 4 – 6   Acts 4 – 6. In the next three chapters of Acts we find that Satan quickly began to assault the young church with one attack after another. These trials could have smothered the testimony, divided the saints, and corrupted the […]