Tag Archives: The Gospel of the Kingdom

The Gospel of the Kingdom

Related: The Gospel; The Everlasting Gospel; The Kingdom of Heaven; The Kingdom of God   The Gospel of the Kingdom. The "gospel of the kingdom" is the presentation of good news based on Christ’s glory as king (Matt. 4:23; 9:35; 24:14). It is connected with earthly hopes and deliverance rather than heavenly hopes. It announces […]
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Matthew 4:12-25

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   The Beginning of Christ’s Public Ministry Matthew 4:12-25   Matthew 4:12-25. Two of the ten major tenets of Messianic prophecy are shown to be fulfilled by Jesus in this section. Read more… They are: His Appearance in the North of the Land for Blessing (ch.4) His Coming in Millennial Power for Blessing (ch.4) Events between the […]

Psalm 95

Bk Sec Outline Sec Bk   Psalm 95 Israel Invited to Worship Jehovah and Enter His Rest   Psalm 95. This is another orphan Psalm, and the theme is a call to Israel to worship Jehovah, and not tempt the Lord as they had done in the wilderness. Prophetically, this Psalm gives us the faithful remnant preaching the gospel […]