Romans 1 – 8

God’s Righteousness in Justifying the Believer
Romans 1 – 8
The subject of the first eight chapters of Romans is God’s righteousness in justifying believers from all of the effects of sin. We know that when Adam fell, he plunged his whole race into bondage (Rom. 5:12). But through the work of Christ, God will ultimately deliver the Christian from all the effects of sin.
 A more detailed outline is given below:
– God’s Righteousness in Justifying the Believer Romans 1:18 – 8:39
– Man’s Guiltiness Established Romans 1:18 – 3:20
– Class #1: The Uneducated Gentile Romans 1:19-32
– Class #2: The Educated Gentile Romans 2:1-16
– Class #3: The Privileged Jew Romans 2:17 – 3:8
– God’s Courtroom Scene Romans 3:9-20
– Deliverance from Guilt of Sins (Fruit: What I’ve Done) Romans 3:21 – 5:11
– God’s Righteousness for Justification Romans 3:21-31
– Justification Through Faith Alone Romans 4
– The Great Results of Justification Romans 5:1-11
– Deliverance from Sin as a Principle (Root: What I Am) Romans 5:12 – 8:17
– The Doctrine of Deliverance Romans 5:12 – 7:6
– We have been Transferred from Adam’s Family to Christ’s Family Romans 5:12-21
– Identification with Christ Frees us from Sin’s Dominion Romans 6
– Identification with Christ Frees us from the Law’s Dominion Romans 7:1-6
– (The Experience of a Soul under Law Leading to Deliverance) Romans 7:7-25
– Results of Deliverance: Enjoying the Full Christian Position Romans 8:1-17
– Deliverance from a Sin-Cursed Creation Romans 8:18-39
– The Coming Glory and the Deliverance it Brings Romans 8:18-2323
– Three Supports that Preserve Us while We Wait Romans 8:24-30
– Seven Points Summarizing what God has Done Romans 8:31-39
“Sin” and “Sins”. In Rom. 1:18 – 5:11 the subject of how God deals with our sins (plural) is taken up… the fruit. But beginning with Rom. 5:12, we find what God has done to address the nature that produces that fruit… called sin… which is the root.
  • It took the blood of Christ to deal with our sins.
  • it took the death of Christ to deal with sin.
The blood of Christ isn’t even mentioned once in Rom. 5:12 – 8:17. Note: God forgives us our sins, but He never forgives the sin nature. Instead, He “condemned sin in the flesh”.